
Golden remedies on How to get shiny hair

How to get Shiny hair? What could be more difficult question than How to get shiny hair with a soft,…

7 years ago

Natural care for Dyed hair

Natural care for Dyed hair. After a coloration, the Dyed Hair become weak. To maintain your color while preserving the…

8 years ago

6 Reasons Why is my hair so dry

Why is my hair so dry. Many things can damage our hair: from the hair dryer to the straightening iron,…

8 years ago

Guide to Curly Short Hair

Guide to Curly Short Hair Being a fan of loops, I decided to create this blog to share my passion.…

8 years ago

Coconut oil in hair

Coconut oil In Hair From Millenium and through all civilizations, women use vegetable oil for their hairs. You probably have missed…

8 years ago

Vinegar: The Miracle ingredient for Soft Hair

Soft hair To maintain and care for the hair on a daily basis, these are sometimes the most effective natural…

8 years ago

9 Dry Hair Care Masks

9 recipes for dry hair care masks Hair dryness is the most common hair problem, in particular, because of the…

8 years ago

Natural Hair Growth Shampoo

NATURAL HAIR GROWTH SHAMPOO Generally, a beautiful and silky hair participates in the affirmation of your character. It is the…

8 years ago

Causes of Baldness

Baldness Baldness is one of the major problems of our society. It frequently affects men (30-50 years) but women also. In…

8 years ago

Stress Hair loss

Stress Hair Loss One of the main factor involved in hair loss is stress. Stress hair loss is very common…

8 years ago